Thursday, April 5, 2012

Should schools eliminate "D" grades?

"D" grades, should they even have the honor to be called a grade? I think not, "D" grades should be eliminated from school grading because it provides enough COMPENSATION to the students that think they do not have to apply themselves. It is a lazy way of passing and as a matter of fact, it is not really passing, it is the bridge between passing and failing. Also it is irrelevant for teachers to give "D" grades to students that do not put effort into their own grade. Another reason is because if INITIALLY the student starts the year with no "D" grades being availiable, then the student will create a habit of either earning "F" and below grades or "C" and above grades. For example, Shanika went to a middle school where "D" grades were not acceptable and she feels good that she now has the habit of working for good grades. Also if the bar of expectation is risen then the bar of passing students will to because students will INTERACT with the teacher so that they can not fail. So in conclusion, "D" grades should be eliminated from school grading.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Academic Language Week 29 - School Conferences

Should parents face jail time for missing their child's school conference? I think parents should not face jail time for missing their child's school conference because it is not reasonable! One reason is that it really isn't that much of a deal to go to your child's school. Another reason is that parents might have work and they should not miss hours of work because hey need money for their daily life, such as buying groceries and refill the gas in your car. Parents might not be able to TRANSFER themselves to the child's school because for their personal reasons. Additionally, the parent might be able to SEEK other ways to keep in touch with the student's school not only my going there, but by calling. There are a lot of RESOURCES to the parents, and a lot consequences other then gonig to jail. In conclusion, I honestly think parents should NOT face persion.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin Paragraph

Do you think George Zimmerman should be charged with murder for shooting Trayvon Martin? George Zimmerman should be charged with murder for shooting Trayvon Martin. For example, Trayvon Martin hasn't done anything wrong ti make George feel threatened. This shows that George had no right to shoot Trayvon. This also shows that George just wanted to shoot Trayvon because of the way he dressed and probably of the his race too. Additionally, Trayvon had only Skittles and an Iced Tea can, there is not way he wouldv'e ever done anything to make George shoot him. This shows that George is guilty! George was the one who followed Trayvon. This also shows that George isn't an innocent  "loser" because if he really felt threatened and in gander, he wouldv'e ran instead of "following" Trayvon. It is important for teenagers to follow this story because this could happen to any of us or your loved ones.

Study Spelling Words List 29

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Academic Language Week 27 - Drug-Sniffing Dogs

Should Global Positioning System (GPS) devices be required for habitually truant students? No, GPS devices should not be required for habitually truant students. One reason is that it can cause a distraction. Another reason is that it won't be fair for the students who are actually CONDUCTING themselves well. Additionally, one ELEMENT of this problem is that students might just ditch and not care about nobody.  Also, teachers should be ADMINISTRATING  about tests instead of paying attention to students who are making negative choices. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rain, Vacation, or Zombies vs Vampires Blog Post Paragraph

Rainy days are relaxing. For example, you would sit home rapped up in your blanket drinking hot coco. This shows that you are comfortable and relaxed and enjoying the outside weather. Additionally, it will be a relaxing day because you get to hear the rain drops and you can smell the fresh air. The sun is there but might not be shiny. The next time it rains, I hope I sit out in the porch with my hot coco in my hand and listening to music enjoying life!

Spelling Words List 28

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Academic Language Week 27 - Drug-Sniffing Dogs

School officials do not have the right to use drug-sniffing dogs because the dogs might ASSUME the wrong thing, thinking it's drugs. One reason is that dogs are trained recognize that white towels (favorite toy) is what they're looking for pretending it is drugs, what if a dog sees a white towel in somebody's locker? The dog might RESPOND to it by barking, scaring the students away. Another reason is even though dogs are trained to only sniff and not attack, some of them will attack randomly, and it is not good that dogs, other then pets, are around kids. People need to go through the PROCESS to learn how to find drugs without using dogs. Additionally, kids in the school might me allergic from dogs, or have past with dogs or get flashbacks as well. In conclusion, I think school officials do not have the right to use drug-sniffing dogs.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Testing Thoughts Blog Paragraph

How do I feel about taking the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)? I feel nervous about the part that I have to pass it. I know that I have to do well for my own good, because I really need to pass the CAHSEE so  I can graduate. I am a little concerned about the information I missed while I was in the system. I've missed three months of my school year due to family problems, so I have no idea how I will answer some of the questions on the CAHSEE. I am confident that I will pass though because I not only have one chance, I have five to six chances. That will help a lot! When I see my CAHSEE scores, I hope to feel proud of myself because I did my best. Yes, I might be down for not passing it from the first time, but you can't control what has already happened.

Spelling List 27

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Academic Language Week 2 - Cars

Would you want a car that drives itself? Honestly, I would want a car drive itself. One reason is that it helps me get to my location without trying because what if I am tired of driving or about to fall asleep while driving. Another reason is that if any of my family members borrows it and they're drunk, I will be sure that accidents won't OCCUR because my car is driving itself. Additionally, the car will PROCEED my ways. If I'm ever going to school, I wouldn't have to worry about telling my car where to go or entering the address over and over. I feel like it is the best METHOD of transportation to places without worrying about getting lost. In conclusion, I would love to drive a car that drives itself, because it is much easier.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Homonyms Practice Blog Paragraph

The old man jumped up from his rocking chair after he heard his friends' dogs barking in front of his front door. THEIR barking was so loud that it annoyed the old man to the point where he went in his room and shut the windows. As he remembers, THERE were three dogs and THEY'RE big and scary. "YOUR dogs are scaring away my cats pal!" the old man yelled out. The old man's little cats were under the bed. "YOU'RE the one who is scared you can say, yeah?" his friend answered.
The old man got angry! He walked as fast as he could out of his room heading to the front door. He opened the door and saw his friend with three huge dogs and one small puppy. "THEY'RE adorable, but walk them away, walk them away!", the man cried out. And so the dogs' owner walks away heads to the front yard. The old mans' cats run out to the yard as well and start to play around with the puppy. With THEIR shock, the man and his friend laughed about how adorable THEIR pets were.

Spelling List Words- Week 26

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Academic Language Week 25 - Concealed Handguns

Adults should not have the right to carry a concealed handgun. To establish a law or a constitution on being able to bear arms was a well developed idea but it may need work. One reason is it is too easy for a person to get a gun and hiding it is no problem. With that said, crime rates will shoot sky high. Another reason is small kids can find the gun and accidentally shoot someone for not knowing better. Additionally, there are better ways to protect ourselves. One more indication to adults having concealed arms is a problem are the recent school shootings. In conclusion, to justify no more guns, our future generations should be able to be free of the chains of violence.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Technology in School Paragraph

 Have you ever used computer games to help you learn? Yes, I have used computer games to help me learn math in my middle school years. My teacher used to help my classmates and I learn better and understand what we are doing. It helped me because it showed me how to do the math problems step by step. Also, in my freshmen year, I remember my teacher making us go online and post paragraphs about our days, we called it "Diary". It helped me alot because I started writing better. She used her personal website so wthat we can post our posts privetly. Now that I type instead of writing, more ideas comes to my mind. Moreover, in my sophomore year, my teacher also made us go online to test our skills, but that didn't last for awhile because we told him that it was too easy. Future teachers can help their students to learn by having them go online and test their skills to see where they're at and seeing them using computers and different colors is a lot better that books, because books are pretty boring most of the time.

Study Spelling Words List 25

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Academic Language Week 24 - Online Learning

Online learning is not an effective way to educate students because it would be difficult for the student to get clarification on things they don't understand. Another reason is because the teacher would not be able to differentiate between a hardworking student verses a lazy student. Also it would be a insufficient way to educate students because it would be to easy for the student to get distracted depending on the area they are confided in. So in conclusion, online learning is not an effective way to educate students.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Academic Language Week 23 - Dog Fighting

Should dog fighting be illegal? Dog fighting should be illegal because it is DISTINCT. Dogs will act different around humen as well if they keep fighting other dogs. It is bad because it is POTENTIAL that they might also hurt people too, by that, the owner might get in trouble. They get used to the FORMULA of fighting. Forcing other dogs to do stuff makes the economy worst. So that is why I think dog fighting should be illegal.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Imagery in Poetry Blog Post Paragraph

When I was in Turkey, I went to the best birthday party ever! My friends and I got dressed up, and headed to the party. As soon as we walked in, we could smell all kind of food her mom made. We listened to music while we made fun of eachothers' outfit. The music was really loud to the part where we didn't notice that the boys has finally arrived! When the boys walked in, all we did was look at the cute guys, trying to have a converstaion with them. If I remember right, I was tweleve at that time. As we got comfortable being around the cutest boys in school, we danced like there was no tomorrow! We ate all kind of food, such as; sushi, tacos, and different kind of sandwichs. They tasted so good, but not as good as the cake she got from the most exppensive store in the city. It was also the day when I knew that I had a crush on my classmate, and it was a big crush!! How did I know? We danced together and as the slow music played, all I could feel is his arm around my waist and his hand holding mine. I felt that my hear can stop in any moment. I got picked up with my girl-friends and headed to a sleep over, and all we could talk about was how we each fell for these guys. I felt like I was a grown-up, finally parting and having a crush.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Academic Language Week 22 - Felons Voting

Should felons be allowed to vote? Yes, they should because felons are humans just as everyone else. A felon can be as simple as stealing some shoes or as COMPLEX as 3rd degree murder, so before stripping a criminal of their rights, look at the felon they committed because as we all know, consequences are determined by the action, so there is no point in taking away the right to vote to a criminal who stole shoes. Also there are criminal that are locked up because of lack of evidence of their innocence, so it would be IRRELEVANT to take away the right to vote to an innocent human being. Also instead of stripping the criminal of the right to vote as a consequence you should help them and find the SOURCE of the problem. So in conclusion, felons should be allowed to vote because it is a right.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Poetry Previous Knowledge Paragraph

The first time I have experienced poetry was in my freshmen year. I found myself writing about my feelings and what I really want to tell people. I started rhyming and experience of what I was writing.
On one hand, experience of what you're writing about can be helpful, and usually gives me a sense of authenticity. I enjoyed writing it because I was expressing myself and wrote down my deep thoughts. I showed it to my best friend and she loved it! Her reaction made my life, and that was the time when I knew that I might me talented in writing poetry. In my sophomore year, I manged myself to show it to my English teacher. When I did, her eyes were wide open. Without asking me, she shared it with the class and the class kept on wondering who it was. Until this day, nobody knows it was mine. I still have the poetry. If you ever wonder why I wrote from the first place... it was because I was really mad at my mother for being against me all the time so I went to call my friend to talk to her, but she wasn't there. So I started writing in my diary, and it became a poetry! Ever since that day, I've been writing poems about everything I feel, and that was what cheered me up the most. This year, I hope I can get the courage to share it with some of the people in here! <3