Thursday, March 15, 2012

Academic Language Week 27 - Drug-Sniffing Dogs

School officials do not have the right to use drug-sniffing dogs because the dogs might ASSUME the wrong thing, thinking it's drugs. One reason is that dogs are trained recognize that white towels (favorite toy) is what they're looking for pretending it is drugs, what if a dog sees a white towel in somebody's locker? The dog might RESPOND to it by barking, scaring the students away. Another reason is even though dogs are trained to only sniff and not attack, some of them will attack randomly, and it is not good that dogs, other then pets, are around kids. People need to go through the PROCESS to learn how to find drugs without using dogs. Additionally, kids in the school might me allergic from dogs, or have past with dogs or get flashbacks as well. In conclusion, I think school officials do not have the right to use drug-sniffing dogs.

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